Poetry, prose and essays by Annabel Lee have appeared in many fine journals including:
Positive Magnets (edited by Collin Schuster)
Have Your Chill (edited by Pete Spence: Melbourne, Australia)
Dodgems (edited by Eileen Myles)
The Poetry Project Newsletter, Title/One, Lazy Fair (Philadelphia)
Caesura (Philadelphia)
The New Time
Ladies Museum
Red M
432 Review
Dark Horse (Boston)
Mag City
Hanging Loose
Telephone (edited by Maureen Owen)
The Coldspring Journal (edited by Charlie Plymell)
Fresh Paint (edited by Yuki Hartman and Michael Slater)
“…?” (edited by Armando Pajalich, Gianantonio Pozzi, Rita Degli Esposti: Venice, Italy)
The Poets’ Encyclopedia (edited by Michael Andre)
Saturday Morning (edited by Simon Pettet)
Bombay Gin (Boulder)
Sitting Frog (Bouder)
Little Caesar (Los Angeles)
Exquisite Corpse (edited by Andrei Codrescu: Baton Rouge)
North, (edited by Ugo Pitozzi: Rome, Italy)
Abracadabra (edited by Marcello Angioni: Luxembourg)
Sperlonga-Manhattan Express(Riva San Vitale, Switzerland) Live Mag (edited by Jeff Wright)
as well as other great magazines and in anthologies