Copyediting, proofreading, grammar, use of Stedman’s Medical Dictionary and AMA style across digital platforms for initial scripts, initial builds, brand and MLR feedback to scripts and builds, tagging and tracking codes, and final products
• Handled tasks using Workfront, Box, Proof HQ and other applications
• Text and ISIs for diverse indications, including oncology, hematology, pulmonary, HIV, neurology, dermatology, cardiology, diabetes and others for diverse clients, both global (Germany, Italy and others) and U.S. including Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Sanofi, Bayer, GSK, Novartis, Merck, and others
October 2016–Present, New York, NY
Copyedting, proofreading, fact checking, grammar and AMA style for Eli Lilly products, primarily Men's Health: Cialis
December 2015–Ocrober 2016, New York NY
Copyediting, proofreading, fact checking, grammar and AMA style primarily for Astellas products and for Alcon contact lenses and ophthalmological products
Full-time on staff October 2013–November 2015
Freelance in-house November 2011–October 2013
New York, NY
Asleep in the Sun by Adolfo Bioy Casares
Persea, An International Review, Vol. 1, No. 1
Proofreading and typesetting
1977: Persea Books (Michael and Karen Braziller), Little Italy, New York NY
Letters from H.C. Westermann Selected and edited by Bill Barrette
Book design, typesetting, layout and mechanicals
1987-1988: Fred M. Kleeberg Associates, Inc. and office of Vehicle Editions, Little Italy, New York NY
Letters to a Bookstore: 1978-1988
Book design, editorial work, layout and production management
1988: Books & Co., Madison Avenue, New York NY and office of Vehicle Editions, Little Italy, New York NY
Production and editorial consulting
Assisted Marshall Lee with projects for Abrams and Dutton
Including a book on Erté
1986: Balance House, Inc., Midtown, New York NY
Design and production of a poster-sized mailing piece
Promotion of films and videotapes about Merce Cunningham Dance Company
Utilization of a Jasper Johns Target poster, printed on the back and folded down
1979: Office of Vehicle Editions, Little Italy, New York NY
Reader’s Guides for The Franklin Library:
Humboldt’s Gift by Saul Bellow
Paradise Lost by John Milton
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
1978-1980: The Franklin Library, Midtown, New York NY
Writer: Confessions of a Publisher for The State of the Book Arts Issue, Winter 1984
Editorial work on NEA-NEH Symposium on Crafts
Typesetting, composition and design for Issues 1981-1983
1981-1983: Craft International office, Little Italy, New York NY
Design, mechanicals, production and shipping arrangements for 1988 season poster
Incorporated artwork by Yvonne Jacquette
1987: Office of Vehicle Editions, Little Italy, New York NY
U.S. Sales Representative for printing and binding services offered by Dutch firms
Worked with clients in California, Washington DC, and the New York metropolitan area
Projects with Running Press, Quarto, Abbeville, Knopf
1984-1986: Comproject BV, Baarn, Holland and at Vehicle Editions office, Little Italy, New York NY
Production Manager, on-press quality control for 1-color, 2-color, 4-color and 5-color projects; press okays, supervision of assistants, cost analysis, scheduling
Markings: Aerial Views of Sacred Landscapes photographs by Marilyn Bridges, 1986: production management, scheduling, on-press quality control at Arti Grafiche Amilcare Pizzi, S.p.A, Milan, Italy.
Aperture Issue 105—India: Ritual and the River, 1986: production management, on-press quality control at Arti Grafiche Amilcare Pizzi, S.p.A, Milan, Italy.
Literary Britain: Landmarks, Landscapes and Houses of the Great Writers and Poets photographs by Bill Brandt. Produced in association with the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Production management, scheduling, on-press quality control at Westerham Press, Kent, England, UK.
The Ballad of Sexual Dependency by Nan Goldin, production management
1984-1986: Aperture, office at 23rd Street at Madison Avenue, New York NY
Copyediting and proofreading of numerous articles for the annual yearbooks
2010-2013: Office of Vehicle Editions, Jersey City NJ
Freelance editorial services
Freelance editorial services
Freelance editorial services
Editorial assistant
1973: Chelsea House Publishing offices, Midtown, New York NY
Freelance Editorial Services
Statistical Guide (several years)
Production and editorial consulting
Production and editorial consulting
Served as Vice President and Manager of U.S. book projects for temporary New York office
1981: R&B office, Munich, Germany and Lower East Side, New York NY
Library research for opera about Lola Montez
1975: Z Press office, West Village, New York NY
U.S. Sales Representative
Printing and Binding Services
Worked with clients in the New York metropolitan area
1988–90: Arti Grafiche Motta, Milan, Italy and at Vehicle Editions office, Little Italy, New York NY
U.S. Sales Representative for printing and binding services offered by Dutch firms
Worked with clients in California, Washington DC, and the New York metropolitan area
Projects with Running Press, Quarto, Abbeville, Knopf
1984-1986: Comproject BV, Baarn, Holland and at Vehicle Editions office, Little Italy, New York NY
Medical writing and editing several manuscripts including:
Integrating Safety into the Practice of Drug-Eluting Stent Deployment, supplement to the American Journal of Cardiology, Volume 100 (8)
2007-2008: Galen Press, Austerlitz NY
Copyediting and proofreading
2000: Family Business Publishing Company, Great Barrington, MA
Ghost writing Gloria (unfinished novel) about the patriarchy being destroyed by women
At the home of Ruth Kligman, West 14th Street, New York NY
Editorial work with Jean Stein and Walter Hopps
Research on Fleur magazine by Fleur Cowles
Plans for an artists-driven journal that never materialized
At the home of Jean Stein, Central Park West, New York NY
The archive of The Ant’s Forefoot: inventory and preparation for sale to Andreas Brown at Gotham Book Mart
Blues of the Sky: Interpreted from the Ancient Hebrew Book of Psalms poetry by David Rosenberg, published by Angel Hair Books (1974): editing and proofreading
Congregation: Contemporary Writers Read the Jewish Bible, edited by David Rosenberg, published by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York NY (1987): in acknowledgments mentioned for “the steady eye of…,” editorial work
Edited the Afterword to Job Speaks by David Rosenberg, published by Harper & Row, New York NY (1977)
At the office of David Rosenberg, St. Mark’s Place, New York NY
Ghost writing Gloria (unfinished novel) about the patriarchy being destroyed by women
At the home of Ruth Kligman, West 14th Street, New York NY
112 Workshop / 112 Greene Street
History, Artists & Artworks
Edited by Robyn Brentano with Mark Savitt
Paste-ups and mechanicals
1981: at the Byrd Hoffman Loft for New York University Press, Soho, New York NY
Teaching assignments
Tutor: Literacy Enrichment Center
Professor: Read 099 Pre-College Reading Course: created syllabus for freshman-level literature class (Fiction and Freedom: Beloved by Toni Morrison, Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, The Color Purple by Alice Walker, Freedom Riders film), delivered instruction, assessed student written and oral work
2010 – 2012: Montclair State University, Montclair NJ
Senior Medical Editor
2013–2015: H4B Chelsea/Havas Health, Chelsea and Murray Hill, New York NY
Executive Director of Marketing
• Proposed and implemented an in-house marketing materials program for 575 brokers
• Generated hundreds of thousands of materials including show sheets, postcards, newsletters
• Provided writing and editorial services to Brown Harris Stevens residential sales division
• Wrote style book for all corporate divisions
• In charge of purchasing equipment and materials and budgeting for publications program
• Wrote biographical profiles of real estate brokers for Brown Harris Stevens website
• Served residential and commercial sales, mortgage, insurance and management divisions
• Utilized desktop publishing programs incorporating digitalized images and web-based text
1999–2003: Terra Holdings/Brown Harris Stevens/Halstead Property, Upper East Side, New York NY
Updating address database and rolodex cards
1985-1986: Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, Lafayette Street, New York NY
Design, proofreading and typesetting
Collected Poems by F.T. Prince
The Poems of Anna Akhmatova, translated by Stanley Kunitz
1978: for Sheep Meadow Press (Stanley Moss, publisher), at Persea Books office, Little Italy, New York NY
Operation of AB Dick 360 offset press; platemaking, film prep and stripping, paste-ups and mechanicals, bookkeeping, ordering paper, office management
1971-72: Sojourner Truth Printing Company, Little Five Points, Atlanta GA
Proofreading, copyediting and other editorial tasks
Loka 2: A Journal from Naropa Institute edited by Rick Fields
1976: Naropa Institute, Boulder CO
Design (developed original concept based on a Max Bill book), layout and mechanicals, copyediting, proofreading
this is tomorrow today: The Independent Group and British Pop Art
1987: Vehicle Editions office for Karen Marta, project editor; Brian Wallis; and Lawrence Wolfson, New York NY
Modern Dreams: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Pop
1988: Vehicle Editions office for Karen Marta, project editor; Brian Wallis; and Lawrence Wolfson, Little Italy, New York NY
Typesetting, editorial work
In acknowledgments “My special thanks to Annabel for her editorial assistance”
1978: Vehicle Editions office for Simon Pettet, editor, Little Italy, New York NY
Typesetting, design, production, editorial work
1982: Craft International office for New York Experimental Glass Workshop, Hans Frode, editor, Little Italy, New York NY
Chanter 83/84 journal of student writing
Typesetting, design, layout, production
1984: Vehicle Editions temporary offices, Saint Paul, MN and Little Italy, New York NY
l’Avant Scène magazine
Wrote and edited article on dance
1980: Performing Artservices, Westbeth, New York NY
Editorial work and typsetting of Displaced Persons by Bohdan Boychuck
1980: Office of Paul Pines, Lower East Side, New York NY
Typesetter, galley slave
1977-1978: Office of Talbot Typographers, Little Italy, New York NY
Bookbinding: Christophe Colomb by François Caradec
1979: office of Vehicle Editions, Little Italy, New York NY
Assisted Ethel Raim and Martin Koenig with Winter Balkan Festival
1976: Balkan Arts Center, Upper West Side, New York NY
Received honorarium for participation in conference
Counting by Jayne Anne Phillips (published by Vehicle Editions) received an award
1979: Saranac Lake, New York
Managing Editor, Production Manager
Cost analysis, manuscript solicitations and acquisitions, permissions, scheduling, copy writing, editing, prepress, systematized in-house order department
Journals and Dreams by Anne Waldman – solicited this non-poetry manuscript
Beyond the Looking Glass: Extraordinary Works of Fairy Tale and Fantasy, edited with an introduction by Jonathan Cott – rights, permissions, editing, design
Is There Life on Earth by J.G. Bennett
Psycho-Myth, Psycho-History by Ernest Jones (two volume boxed-set)
Adventures of a Red Sea Smuggler by Henry de Monfreid
The Roses Race Around Her Name, anthology of poems from fathers to daughters, edited by Jonathan Cott
Movies by Manny Farber
Cocaine Papers by Sigmund Freud, edited by Robert Byck
1973-1974: Stonehill Publishing Company office, Midtown, New York NY
Script writing, correspondence, permissions and grant writing for films:
The Short End of the Stick: Dowsers
Slocum screenplay treatment
Jerry and Molly and Sam by Raymond Carver
1987-1990: Office of John Sinaiko, Tribeca, New York NY
Layout, design
Sun Pictures: Catalogue Three
1987: Office of Vehicle Editions, Little Italy, New York NY
Nancy Drew books: set up shots
1986: Simon & Schuster offices, Midtown, New York NY
Developmental editing and writing
Critical thinking questions, discussion questions, case studies, claim categorization statements for higher education resources for Pearson
2009-2010: Office of Vehicle Editions, Hudson NY
Design and production of brochure
2008: Office of Vehicle Editions, Chatham NY
Design and branding for clothing store on Crosby Street:
Stationery, shopping bags
2002: Office of Vehicle Editions, East Taghkanic NY
Typesetting, editing, proofreading
Biography of Bob Marley
1984: Office of Vehicle Editions, Little Italy, New York NY
Publishing consultant for publisher: Richard Ogust
1986: Office of Vehicle Editions, Little Italy, New York NY
Design, typesetting, layout, production for a brochure for films
1983: Office of Vehicle Editions, Little Italy, New York NY
Taught hand bookbinding and collage class for children ages 8 to 12 in Art Passport program under Nova Rockwell
1998: Interlaken School of Art, Stockbridge, Massachusetts
Panelist: Between the Covers, The Creative
2006: Spencertown Academy, Spencertown NY
By invitation led a hand bookbinding and paper marbling workshop for 65 language arts teachers: all participants completed a handsewn hardcover book
1998: Berkshire conference facility, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
TIPS course: Taught intensive ESL, accent reduction, grammar, debating, presentation and public speaking skills to two groups of Chinese high school students for International Academic Alliance classes
2011: The Iris Group classroom, Midown, New York NY
Assisted filmmaker with script of his film Asylum about R.D. Laing
1973: Office of Peter Robinson, Upper West Side, New York NY
The Prince of the Dolomites by Tomie Dipaola
Nobody Stole the Pie by Sonia Levitin
Reprint of F. Scott Fitzgerald Notebooks
Virginia Woolf: Letters Volume III
Virginia Woolf: Women and Writing
Production work, layout and mechanicals
1979-1980 and 1987: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Midtown, New York NY
Layout, stripping, film prep, platemaking, office work for offset shop
Union shop, prepared brochures outlining health risks at GE Plant in Lynn, Mass.
1972: People’s Printing Cooperative, Saugus, Massachusetts
Certificate from Empire State Travel School and CLIA certification
1994-1998: Nejaime’s VIP Travel, Stockbridge MA; Haretage Travel, Great Barrington MA; Northeast Travel Connections, Canaan CT; Taconic Travel, Chatham NY
Studied at Center for Book Arts, New York NY
Led workshops at Community of the Arts, Cummington MA; The Free School, Boulder CO; Hampton Day School, Bridgehampton NY; for Nova Rockwell at Interlaken School of Art, Stockbridge MA
In-house printer at Center for Book Arts, New York NY
1975-1983 as needed: Center for Book Arts, Little Italy, New York NY
Center for Book Arts, Craft International magazine, Heresies magazine; World Crafts Council, Sheep Meadow Press, American Fabrics and Fashion magazine, Open Studio Workshop, Nachtmaschine Verlag, Odd Sorts Letter Foundry, Talbot Typographers
Details available on request